Friday, October 7, 2011

Why Hanging Upside Down May Help Your Back - Inversion Table For Life

Why Hanging Upside Down May Help Your Back - Inversion Table For Life

Millions of people suffer from neck and back pain each year. Whether it is the result of a car accident or just old age, people with chronic back pain can barely function in their daily duties.

If you are one of the millions who fit this category, and inversion table may be of interest to you. Before attempting any treatMent, consulting a physician is always prudent and recomMended. Treating back and neck pain can range from chiropractic manipulation to medication all the way to surgery and rehabilitation.

In some instances long term relief is difficult with many people experiencing pain over the course of months or even years. Each individual must determine their own threshold and course of action, but many have found relief by using an inversion table to relieve the normal stress on the spine. By hanging in an inverted position, the back muscles are allowed to stretch as they hang at varying angles. After a few minutes, they begin to relax and loosen thereby providing some with a more relaxed and refreshed feeling.

Owners invert for only a few minutes at a time once or twice a day to get comfortable with the feeling of hanging in this position. Once they get past the mechanics of the tool, they report to have less pain and stressful tension within a few sessions.

If you have back issues, an inversion table may be a tool to consider. Consulting a doctor before attempting the process is recomMended, but the device has been reportedly successful by many who have tried it.

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