Monday, October 31, 2011

Sore Feet Solutions

Sore Feet Solutions

Our feet are beaten up every day, baring the all of our weight as we walk, run, jump, etc, etc, you get the picture. Unfortunately, its only late in the day that we begin to realize just how much foot abuse we are guilty of. Certain considerations should be made for those of us who are on our feet all day working.

Four things to consider:

1. Proper shoes. Find a pAir of shoes that fit and have the right support in the right places. Personally I'd like to wear flip flops all day, but sometimes I can't. So, I wear a shoe or boot instead and try to get them the right "tightness".

2. Balance. Believe it or not you may put more pressure on one foot more than the other. It's kind of difficult thing to be aware of when standing because you are probably concentrating on something else.

3. Medical professionals. If it gets really bad then perhaps you should see a professional, podiatrist, or chiropractor. Yes, a chiropractor. They can work wonders, not sure how, but they have there mysterious ways of getting the results you're looking for.

4. Foot products. Luckily there are lots of products out there that help alleviate some of the stresses on our feet. Of course this is the cheapest way to finding a solution for your sore feet and well worth the effort. Your feet will thank you for it. If your feet are happy, you will be happy too.

inversion table therapy

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